智利大幅減少竹筴魚配額智利國家漁業委員會在漁業界的支持下,決定2011年竹筴魚(horse mackerel)捕撈配額自2010年的130萬公噸減為31.5售屋網萬公噸。預料為保育該珍貴資源的智利將在下屆南太平洋漁業組織會議中有一場硬戰要打。2011年31.5公噸漁撈配額有將在該水域作業卻於去年房屋貸款受地震衝擊漁民所需的3.1萬公噸納入考量。其他減少配額的魚種有:狗鱈13%、南方狗鱈8%、福氣魚20%及鱈鰻(pink cusk eel) 22%。(摘譯自九份民宿INFOFISH Trade News, No. 5/2011,15 Mar. 2011)SUBSTANTIAL CUT OF HORSE MACKEREL QUOTAChilean horse mackerel catch quota in 酒店打工2011 was reduced to 315,000 MT from the 1.3 million MT in 2010.This decision was made by the National Council of Fishing and 房地產was supported by many groups from theindustry. With this, Chile will lead the battle for the conservation of this valuable 酒店打工resource in the nextmeeting of the South Pacific Fishing Organization. The approved quota for 2011 of 315,000 MT takes 酒店兼職intoconsideration the quota of 31,000 MT named “catastrophe quote” for those fishermen who work in thezones which were 貸款affected by the earthquake last year. Quota reduction goes along for other species: 13%for the hake, 8% for southern hake, 20% 租辦公室for hoki and 22% for pink cusk eel.

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